Corn Bread
Corn Bread
Amy shares that there’s something about the last ears of sweet corn and the first mornings she needs to wear a sweatshirt that make her make it more often.
Here is the recipe for cornbread I’m using this fall. Depending on the grind of cornmeal you have, adjust how much milk you use. I’m using Farmer Ground Flour, and that’s a pretty coarse grind so it’s really thirsty. If you have a medium or fine ground, you’ll need 1/4 cup less milk.
2 cups (252 g) stone ground cornmeal
1 cup (108 g) whole grain rye flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup (100 g) yogurt
1 1/2 cup (340 g) milk
1/2 cup (113 g) butter, melted
Whisk together the dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls, and stir to combine. Let rest on the counter 15 minutes. This step is important for allowing the flours to absorb the liquids.
There are two ways to bake this: in a 10 inch cast iron skillet, or a well buttered 10 inch pie dish. If you use the skillet, melt the butter in it on the top of the stove, and warm the pan as you preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. In either pan, bake for 25 minutes.

A writer and change agent, Amy works to add social values and economic viability to farms, cities, families, the emergency feeding system, and communities. Her love for pancakes led her to write a book about flour, THE NEW BREAD BASKET: How the New Crop of Grain Growers, Plant Breeders, Millers, Maltsters, Bakers, Brewers, and Local Food Activists Are Redefining Our Daily Loaf.
She lives in Troy, New York, and works with the Artisan Grain Collaborative in the Upper Midwest, and the Northeast Grainshed to create networks that support regional grains. She loves to create bridges between ideas and people through food.
Email halloran15 AT gmail DOT com
This recipe was provided in support of World Wide Community Bake Day 2020