Sourdough Empanadas
Ellie Markovitch’s Sourdough Empanadas
We love hand pies and Ellie has several recipes on #storycooking (link below) as well as on her Instagram account @elliemarkovitch.
We also love fermented flour. These sourdough empanadas are light and you can let it ferment several hours or mix and bake, using the sourdough starter as an ingredient to flavor the dough.
Mix: 2 tbsp sourdough starter I used one that was pass pick but fed or from the fridge with work as well. If you don’t have, you can use 1 tsp of dry yeast )
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup oil
2 cups flour (I used Maine Grains 86% sifted wheat )
Knead the dough and let it ferment in the counter for 6-8 hrs.
Roll out circles, with them with vegetable, add boiled eggs and beans for extra protein, fold in half, crimp them with a fork fold and press the edges together to close.
Bake 400F on a greased pan for 20 minutes. It makes 15 hand pies. Enjoy hot, take with you for the weekend adventures or freeze them for the lunch box.

Ellie applies her passion for innovative and sustainable food practices and her unique skill set that includes visual storytelling and community engagement. Ellie has a professional background in photojournalism and an MFA degree in Electronic Arts. Her work revolves around media and food literacy. She uses food as a starting point for conversations and community building. Ellie was born in Brazil and spent most of her childhood weekends at her grandparents’ small farm. “There was a story behind everything we did with our food – from how it was grown, harvested, cooked, and shared.” She is excited to add her passion for building bridges between people and food to the MGA board.
This recipe was provided in support of World Wide Community Bake Day 2020